Nakasendo Chat & Guide Tour Experience

By The Tour Guide Group "Nagawa Town Concierge"

Get rejuvenated by enjoying the spectacular views  with cheerful and friendly guides,  while experiencing the freshness of the spring water along  Nakasendo Road  in the small town named "Nagawa"
Nakasendo Road is the old mountain route  that connected  Tokyo and Kyoto  during the Edo Period (1603-1868).  Nagawa Town is located along Nakasendo Road  at the foot of Wada-toge (a mountain pass)  and had two lodging towns called  Nagakubo-juku and Wada-juku then.   .
         The Guided courses:    Nagakubo-juku, Wada-juku,     and the Nakasendo Road between them.        In each course, many historical buildings  and monuments still have numerous points of interest.       Some of the buildings are designated       as "National Historical Sites."  You can see pictures of them on pages 2 to 4.

Each tour course takes one and a half to two hours  and costs only 500 yen per person!
Note:  The Admission fee for the museum (300 yen)  and travel insurance are not included.  Extra guides will be available  at no extra charge for groups of 12 or more.  English, Chinese, and Japanese guides are available.   The guide season is from April to November,  9:00 -17:00, except for Mondays.

Please book your tour a week in advance
with our Concierge Office in Nagawa Town Hall
by email to:

Nagawa Town Concierge

Please enjoy lively chatter with our friendly guides!   Our motto is to have a fun and engaging tour  with the warmest welcome from the community.
